Monday, April 9, 2018

Reduce Risk of Stroke: Vitamins and Coffee!

Two interesting studies:

1.  Stroke is an indicator of damage to blood vessels. Vit D3 may reverse that damage.

2. More coffee drinking probably reduces risk of  stroke.


oc1dean said...

Then just drinking 12 cups of coffee a week I can reduce my stroke risk 96%. I do that in two days. But I'm doing the coffee mainly to reduce my Parkinsons and Alzheimers risk.

Unknown said...

Interesting. When I had my stroke, the neurologist (and pretty much everyone else told me I needed to reduce my coffee intake because the caffeine likely led to increased blood pressure, which led to stroke eventually.

Of course, I had been drinking 5-shot americanos and up to 60 ounces of regular coffee a day. I suppose, as in all things, moderation is key.

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