Sunday, September 9, 2018

Do Bleed Strokes Have a Penumbra? Nope.


I explain the penumbra after stroke fully here (with pictures!) and explain how important it is after stroke. 

But a question kept coming up in my clinical talks: Do hemorrhagic strokes have a penumbra?

Just some quick background:

After a block (ischemic) stroke, there is an area that the stroke kills (infarct) ("Stroked" in the image below). 

Then there's another LARGE area that, hopefully, comes back on line: The penumbra.

But what about a bleed stroke:? There is no penumbra in bleed (hemorrhagic) stroke.

There was a long debate about this, but as more experimentation was done, and as brain scanning has gotten better: Bleed stroke: No penumbra.

If you'd like a more science-y take:

Or even nerdier!:

1 comment:

oc1dean said...

Maybe not a penumbra but this cascade is a problem.
Brain iron overload following intracranial haemorrhage.

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