Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"Functional" ≠ Stroke Recovery
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Puts Things In Perspective, Don't It?
I've always claimed that it is Michelle Mack.
Click here to see what she does with half a brain.:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Stroke Recovery. Wired.

File this under "I couldn't have said it better myself...waitaminute...I did!" I sent an email recently to Ben Philipson, the developer of one of the three EMG-based electrical stimulation machines. These machines are an important part of stroke recovery and rehabilitation.
Since I can't say it any better (again) I leave with this link to his blog.

Monday, April 20, 2009
Jim Thorpe. The World's Smartest Man?

Friday, April 17, 2009
The Forgotten Leg

Constraint induced therapy (CIT) and modified constraint induced therapy (mCIT). We know them and we love them. These recovery options are richly researched and intuitive. I mean really, how much thought does it take? "If I tie up my 'good’ arm, and work really hard with my 'bad' arm and hand it will move better.” Duh, hello.
The concept of CIT has been extrapolated to everything. For instance there is CIAT (constraint induced aphasia therapy). CIAT is based on the same old idea: If the stroke survivor forces themselves to talk a lot, talking gets better. In many ways a constraint induced therapy is the trunk from which all the theoretical branches spring. And that trunk is as solid as it can be. "Practice makes perfect.” “We are what we repeatedly do.” “Use it or lose it.” Cliché, cliché, cliché but true, true, true.
All good news to be sure. But one bit of the body that has been left to drag behind: The leg. How would you do the CIT for the lower extremity (LECIT)? You could tie up your good leg, but falls, decubitus ulcers, hospitalization, throwing a clot, having another stroke, so let's say… no.
But still the idea is compelling enough for researchers and device makers across the rehabilitation spectrum to want to claim LECIT as their own. I wrote an article about the competing perspectives.
The bottom line is that to adhere to the spirit of constraint induced therapy, you have to overstress the affected leg. And this requires caution. And a therapist. And a lot of work.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Two Great Tastes

The point is, recovery requires multiple recovery strategies. As time goes on, the combination of strategies will change.
There is a tendency among many researchers to focus on their little piece of the pie. They'll pioneer treatment "X". They'll develop treatment "X". They'll advocate "X" and they'll cling to "X" forevermore.
Our lab takes a bit of a different tact. If different things work for different survivors at different times you damn sure better have a feel for the whole ball o' wax.
Here is a recent study our team did fusing "Two great tastes that taste great together".
Bon appetit!