Friday, March 1, 2019

Don't waste your $$: There's No School like Old School Stroke Recovery

There are a lot of virtual reality/ gaming stroke recovery systems out there. And a ton of folks that try to convince you that, because its a gaming glove, or VR, or even a robot... its just better. Because, haven't you heard? New is better.

Except its not. Motor learning-- the kind of learning stroke survivors have to do to recover-- has been going on in humans forever. So the stuff that always worked to move better, still works. 

Don't take my word for it. In this article the authors looked at the difference in motor learning after stroke in 2 groups:
1. Virtual Realty training with the Nintendo Wii system
2.  Playing cards, bingo, Jenga, or a game with a ball

After collecting the data on the two groups, this was their conclusion:

The type of task used in motor rehabilitation post-stroke might be less relevant, as long as it is intensive enough and task-specific. 

Other studies (see below) say the same thing: Normal activities work as well as machines, as long as its as long as it is intensive enough and task-specific."

32. Lo AC, Guarino PD, Richards LG, et al. Robot-assisted therapy for long-term upper-limb impairment after stroke. N Engl J Med. 2010;362:1772–83.[PMC free article] [PubMed]
33. Duncan PW, Sullivan KJ, Behrman AL, et al. Body-weight-supported treadmill rehabilitation after stroke. N Engl J Med. 2011;364:2026–36.[PMC free article] [PubMed]

1 comment:

Manish said...

Physio for stroke patients is an effective way to help them speed up on the road to recovery!

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